
To bring more values to intangible IPs


Registration No.


Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering (B.E. 2004)
Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Center for Applied Computational Mechanics (M.Sc., 2006; Completed Ph.D program without a Ph.D. degree 2013)

Practice Areas

Prosecution and enforcement, for domestic and foreign clients, of patents in various technical fields including mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, physics, mechanical design of electronic devices, software, AI-related inventions (Japan Deep Learning Association G certification acquired), IoT-related inventions, informatics, optimization, computer simulation, big data analysis, data science, business model, functional materials, nanotechnology, etc as well as opinion work; counselling on intellectual properties.


Before joining YAMAKAWA in 2022, Mr. Murakami studied mechanical engineering and applied computational mechanics at Keio University (2000-2006, 2009-2013). He was mainly engaged in research and development of materials informatics for functional materials in Sony group (2006-2014). And he was engaged in research and development of big data analysis for marketing in NHN group (2014-2016). He worked for a major patent firm as a patent engineer (2016-2022).


Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)


Japanese, English
