To bring more values to intangible IPs
Prosecution and enforcement, for domestic and foreign clients, of patents in various technical fields including electronics engineering, communication technologies, image processing, measurement and control techniques, information technologies and mechanical engineering, as well as designs and trademarks; patent search; litigation; opinion work; counselling on intellectual properties.
Dr. Yamakawa graduated from University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, where he obtained B.E and M.Sc. studying electronics engineering, image processing and systems engineering. He also did some research on application of knowledge-based systems techniques to a building design process at School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University, U.K., upon which a Ph.D. was granted. Since he joined YAMAKAWA in 1990, Dr. Yamakawa has engaged himself in patent prosecution for domestic and foreign clients; opinion works; and litigation. He took over the presidency of the firm in 2016.
Dr. Yamakawa also acted as visiting Lecturer at University of Electro-Communications (intellectual property) in 1999-2012, Vice President of JPAA in 2007, Director General of International Activity Center of JPAA in 2012-2013, and Executive Director of JPAA in 2017-2018.
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA), FICPI, AIPPI, APAA, Japan Trademark Association (JTA), Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE)
Japanese, English, German